
datematch 2023 Review: Is It Worth The Effort?


Datematch is an online dating platform that has been around since 2013. It was created to help singles find compatible partners and build meaningful relationships with people who share similar interests, values, and beliefs. The app’s target audience includes single men and women between the ages of 18-35 looking for serious or casual dates in their local area or beyond.

The app offers a range of features designed to make it easier for users to connect with potential matches including: profile creation; search filters based on location, age preferences; messaging capabilities; live video chat options; virtual gifts & winks (flirtatious gestures); as well as other unique tools like “Likes You” which shows you when someone likes your profile before they even message you!

Today datematch boasts over 10 million active users worldwide from more than 200 countries across 5 continents – making it one of the most popular online dating platforms available today! It is owned by Global Personals Ltd., a UK-based company founded in 2003 that specializes in creating niche social networks focused on connecting individuals within specific communities such as religious groups, hobbyists etc.. Datematch can be accessed via desktop computer browser but also through its free mobile application – both iOS & Android versions are available at Apple Store/Google Play respectively.

To become part of this vibrant community all prospective members must first register themselves by providing some basic information about themselves such name , gender , date birth etc . Once registered they will then have access too many great features allowing them to start searching right away !

How Does datematch Work?

Datematch is an innovative app that helps people find the perfect match. It uses advanced algorithms to identify compatible users based on their interests, hobbies and lifestyle choices. The app allows you to search for potential matches from a wide range of countries across the world – with over 5 million active users in more than 100 countries! You can easily browse through profiles by age, gender or location and filter your results according to what matters most to you.

The Datematch app also offers several features designed specifically for finding love online such as its ‘Likes’ feature which lets you show interest in someone without having to message them first; ‘Icebreakers’ – fun questions designed help break the ice when starting conversations; and ‘Date Ideas’ – where members can suggest activities they would like do together if they were ever able meet up offline! All these features make it easier than ever before for singles around the globe looking for true love or just some casual dating fun.

In addition, there are two different types of user accounts available: Standard Users who use basic account functions including browsing other profiles & messaging each other free-of-charge; Premium Members who have access additional benefits such as seeing who has liked them back & unlimited messages sent per day (plus many more). With so much choice at hand anyone should be able find exactly what they’re looking out no matter where they live!

Currently Datematch boasts one of largest global communities with millions registered members coming from all corners earth ranging USA Canada UK Australia India Germany Brazil Mexico Italy France Spain Japan Russia China South Africa Netherlands Switzerland Austria Ireland Sweden Denmark Norway Finland Argentina Chile Colombia Peru Ecuador Bolivia Paraguay Uruguay Venezuela Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Guatemala El Salvador Jamaica Bahamas Barbados Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Haiti Cuba Belize Guyana Suriname French Guiana Greenland Iceland Liechtenstein Monaco Andorra Luxembourg San Marino Vatican City etc… This means whatever type relationship searching chances high will come across suitable partner quickly efficiently using this great service provided us today’s digital age we living now days!!

  • 1.Advanced search filters: Allows users to filter their searches by age, location, interests and more.
  • 2. Compatibility quizzes: Gives users the opportunity to take fun personality tests that help them find better matches.
  • 3. Video chat feature: Enables members to get a real-time look at potential dates before meeting in person or engaging in further communication online
  • 4. Private messaging system: Offers secure communication between two people who have expressed interest in each other’s profiles
  • 5 .Group activities & events : Provides an opportunity for datematch members to meet up with like minded individuals and enjoy group activities together
  • 6 .Verified profile badges : Ensures all accounts are authentic so you can trust who you’re talking too

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the DateMatch app is a straightforward process. First, users must download and install the app from their device’s respective App Store or Play Store. Once installed, they will be asked to provide basic information such as name, age (users must be 18 years of age or older), gender identity and sexual orientation in order to create an account. After submitting these details they can then begin creating their profile by adding photos and providing more detailed personal information about themselves including hobbies, interests etc., which helps other users find compatible matches with similar interests. Finally after completing all steps required for registration users are able to access the full range of features available within DateMatch such as searching for potential dates based on preferences set up during registration; sending messages/likes; setting up video calls etc.. It’s free to register so anyone over 18 years old can sign-up without having any financial commitment involved!

  • 1.User must create a valid account with an email address and password.
  • 2. All users must be 18 years of age or older to register for the service.
  • 3. Users should provide accurate information about themselves, including their gender, location, interests and other personal details as requested by DateMatch during registration process
  • 4. Each user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her login credentials (username & password).
  • 5. The user agrees not to use another person’s username or password without permission from that individual or DateMatch administration team respectively
  • 6 .The user agrees not to upload any offensive content on the website while using it services provided by Datematch 7 .Users agree that they will abide by all applicable laws in connection with their use of this site 8 .Date Match reserves right at its sole discretion suspend / terminate access granted to any member who violates these terms

Design and Usability of datematch

The design of the datematch app is modern and user-friendly. The colors are bright, yet calming; with a mix of blues, pinks and whites that create an inviting atmosphere. The profiles for other users are easy to find through various search options such as age range or location. Usability wise, the app is straightforward to use – all features can be easily accessed from the main page menu bar at any time. If you purchase a paid subscription there will be some UI improvements such as more detailed profile searches and access to exclusive content within the community forums section.

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on DateMatch is quite high. All the users have to register with a valid email address, which helps reduce fake accounts and spam. Profiles are public, so anyone can view them without having to be friends or connected in any way. Users can also set up custom bios that describe themselves better than just basic information like age and gender. There is no “friends” feature but there are other ways for users to connect such as messaging each other directly or through groups they join together within the app itself.

Privacy settings available on DateMatch allow you to control who sees your profile by blocking certain people from viewing it if needed; however, this doesn’t apply when searching for potential matches since everyone’s profile will still show up regardless of whether they’re blocked or not unless their account has been deactivated completely due Premium subscription holders get access additional features such as more detailed search filters and advanced matching algorithms that help find better-suited partners faster compared non-premium members..

Location info in profiles does reveal city names but does not indicate distances between two different locations – this would require an external mapping service like Google Maps instead (which isn’t integrated into DateMatch). However, location info can be hidden from others if desired via privacy settings available under Account Settings tab inside the app itself – though doing so may limit some functionality related finding nearby matches based off proximity criteria set forth during registration process initially


At the time, Datematch does not have a dating website. This is likely due to the fact that it focuses primarily on its mobile app which provides users with an easy and convenient way of finding potential dates in their area. The app has many advantages over traditional websites such as being more accessible since most people are constantly connected to their phones, providing users with real-time notifications when someone likes them or sends them a message, and allowing for easier communication between matches through instant messaging features within the app itself.

The main disadvantage of using only an app instead of having both a website and an application is that some older generations may find it difficult to use or navigate around compared to what they’re used too from other online dating sites like Match.com or eHarmony where there are webpages dedicated solely for user profiles rather than just small icons on one page like in apps like Tinder or Bumble etc.. Additionally, if you don’t own any type of smart device then this could be quite problematic as well because you wouldn’t be able access your account at all without downloading either iOS/Android version first before logging into your profile.

Safety & Security

Datematch takes the security of its users very seriously. It has a comprehensive verification process in place to ensure that all accounts are genuine and safe for use. This includes email, phone number, photo ID and social media verifications which help eliminate bots and fake accounts from using the app. The photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by their team of moderators who check them against multiple criteria such as age appropriateness or if they contain any offensive content before allowing it on the platform. Datematch also offers two-factor authentication so that user’s account is further secured with an extra layer of protection when logging into their account from different devices or locations.

The privacy policy at Datematch is designed to protect your personal information while providing you with personalized services across our various platforms including mobile applications, websites etc.. We take steps to keep your data secure through encryption technologies like TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol used for communication between servers & clients over networks; firewalls; password protected access controls etc., thus ensuring only authorized personnel have access to sensitive customer information stored within our systems

Pricing and Benefits

Is a Paid Subscription Necessary on DateMatch?

DateMatch is an online dating app that helps users find compatible matches. It offers both free and paid subscription options, so the question arises – do users really need to pay for a subscription in order to use the service effectively?

The basic version of DateMatch is available for free, allowing users access to all features such as creating profiles, searching through potential matches and sending messages. However, if you want additional features like seeing who has viewed your profile or being able to see when someone read your message then you will have upgrade from the basic plan. The premium plans offer more detailed search filters which can help narrow down results quickly and easily. Additionally there are no ads with these subscriptions which make using it much smoother than its free counterpart.

The prices of these subscriptions vary depending on how long they last: one month costs $9 per month; three months cost $6 per month; six months cost $4 per month; twelve months cost only$3 per montn – making them very competitively priced compared with other similar services out there..

Finally cancelling a paid subscription is easy enough but refunds may not be possible depending on how far into their term customers are at time of cancellation request . Generally speaking though , customer support should be able provide assistance where needed .

Overall , while having some sort of payment plan does give extra benefits over just using the base version , whether or not this makes sense depends entirely upon what kind experience each user wants out datematch overall .

Help & Support

Datematch is a popular online dating platform that helps people find potential matches. As such, it provides various ways to access support in case of any issues or queries.

The first way to get help on Datematch is by visiting their official website and using the contact form provided there. The page also contains answers for some commonly asked questions which can be accessed quickly without having to wait for a response from customer service representatives. Additionally, customers can send an email directly with their query and expect a reply within 24 hours during business days (Monday-Friday).

For urgent matters, users have the option of calling Datematch’s toll free number available round the clock every day including weekends and holidays. A representative will answer your call immediately or you may leave them with your message if they are unavailable at that time; however either way you should receive an appropriate response within two hours after making contact via phone line as well as emails sent outside office working times like evenings/weekends etc..

Overall, regardless of how customers choose to reach out – whether through web forms on site or by sending emails/calling – they can rest assured knowing that all inquiries will be answered promptly while receiving top quality assistance along the way!


1. Is datematch safe?

Datematch is a safe and secure online dating platform. It takes measures to ensure the safety of its users by verifying each profile, using advanced encryption technology, monitoring user activity for suspicious behavior, and providing resources on how to stay safe while online dating. Datematch also offers an anonymous messaging system so that you can get to know someone before revealing your identity or contact information. Additionally, they provide 24/7 customer support in case any issues arise during use of their service. All these features make Datematch one of the safest platforms available for finding potential matches with whom you can build meaningful relationships!

2. Is datematch a real dating site with real users?

Datematch is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2006 and boasts of having over 2 million members from all around the world. The website offers various features such as chat, instant messaging, profile creation and search tools to help its users find potential matches in their area or beyond. Datematch also provides safety tips for online daters so that they can have a safe experience while using the service. Furthermore, it verifies each user’s identity through email verification before allowing them access to its services which helps protect against fake profiles or scammers on the platform. All these factors make Datematch an ideal choice for those looking for love online in a secure environment where they can meet genuine people who are interested in finding someone special too!

3. How to use datematch app?

Datematch is an easy-to-use dating app that allows users to find potential matches based on their interests and preferences. The first step in using the app is to create a profile by entering basic information such as age, gender, location, etc. Once your profile has been created you can start searching for compatible singles nearby or around the world depending on what type of relationship you are looking for. You can also use filters like age range and distance radius so that only people who meet your criteria show up in search results.

When viewing other profiles you will be able to see photos along with personal details about them such as hobbies and interests which helps make it easier to decide if they might be a good match for you or not. If someone catches your eye then simply send them a message through the chat feature within Datematch – this way both parties have already expressed interest before any contact info needs exchanged! Finally after getting acquainted online there’s always the option of meeting face-to-face should things progress further down that path – but until then enjoy all datematch has offer while staying safe from home!

4. Is datematch free?

Datematch is a free online dating service that allows users to connect with potential matches in their area. It provides an easy and convenient way for people to meet new friends, find dates, or even start long-term relationships. With Datematch you can create your own profile, search through other profiles of singles near you and send messages directly from the site. You can also use advanced filters such as age range or location preferences to narrow down your search results further. Additionally, there are no hidden fees associated with using this service; it’s completely free!

5. Is datematch working and can you find someone there?

Yes, datematch is a working service that can help people find someone. It offers users the ability to search for potential matches based on their own criteria and preferences. The site also provides an array of communication tools such as messaging, video chat, and more so that users can get to know each other better before taking things further in person or online. Additionally, there are various safety features available which ensure user security when using the platform. With all these features combined together with its easy-to-use interface makes it one of the best dating sites out there today! So if you’re looking for love or just want to meet new people then give datematch a try – you won’t be disappointed!


In conclusion, DateMatch is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are very good; it’s easy to navigate and use. Safety and security features such as profile verification help ensure that users can trust each other on the platform. Help & support from customer service representatives is also available if needed, which adds an extra layer of protection when using this app. Finally, user profiles have high quality information about potential matches so you can make informed decisions before connecting with someone online or in person. All these factors combined make DateMatch one of the best apps out there for finding compatible dates quickly and easily!

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Author Olivia Smith

Olivia Smith is an acclaimed writer and relationship expert who is passionate about helping couples find their happily ever after. With a degree in psychology, she has been researching and writing about online dating and relationships for over 5 years. Her work has been featured in many publications, including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, and Bustle. She is passionate about helping people find healthy and fulfilling relationships, and loves to share her insights and advice through her writing. Olivia loves to travel, explore new cultures, and spend time with her family. When she isn't writing, she can be found cooking, watching romantic comedies, and spending quality time with her two cats.

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